Our Prescription For Nature Deficit Disorder

Posted by odysys_admin on January 31, 2019

Disconnect to Reconnect

By the time you arrive at your destination for a long awaited vacation, the chances are you are feeling pretty relaxed, at least compared to the hustle and bustle of your daily life.  But what you may not even notice is that as you arrive at most hotels, your senses are still inundated by the trappings of the modern world.

at Playa Viva… un-natural vibrations are absent

Chemicals in the paint and carpet, the hum of the escalator, of your air-conditioner, or worse, the dull hum of the mini-bar refrigerator in your room hamper your ability to truly unplug. When you are at Playa Viva, these un-natural vibrations are absent.  You don’t realize it, but nature engulfs you and your body transforms, you are disconnecting to reconnect.  

When guests arrive at Playa Viva, they often tell us, “Wow, the pictures on the website, Instagram and Facebook are amazing, but when you get here, you realize, the pictures don’t do this place justice.”   

The immediate impact of the natural beauty of Playa Viva is most evident in the materials: wood pillars, bamboo walls, a natural stone sink, bronze hand-hewn faucets, organic fabrics, etc. Your hand naturally reaches out to caress the contours of the wood. Your eyes look out over the ocean to catch the site of a dolphin riding a wave.  Your ears begin to tune into the sound of birds calling to each other in the distance.  The senses individually don’t do justice to the deeper experience, the combination of the senses is more than the sum of its parts. 

The experience of Playa Viva can come from just being here and letting go of where you came from.

This reminds me of an expression that guests of our coined. They had been at Playa Viva for about a week and they were telling me over dinner, “you see guests come in wearing their ‘Urban Black’ with their electronic devices erupting from their pockets and purses….then a few days later, you see the look in their faces, no makeup, natural, in a state of…bliss..and you know that the ‘Playa Valium’ has kicked in.”  

Nature engulfs you and your body transforms, you are disconnecting to reconnect.

The experience of Playa Viva can come from just being here and letting go of where you came from. It can come from immersion in the ocean, hiking the Discovery Trail to the Farm, heading out the local community, getting a world class massage and or imbibing in our of our organic basil margaritas.

The cure for Nature Deficit Disorder? We definitely recommend a little bit of Playa Viva as part of the cure!



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