Local Elementary School Wish List

Posted by odysys_admin on May 25, 2010

As school comes to an end and you start cleaning out those school supplies what better use than to pack and donate.  While Morgan, head of community relations, was working with the local schools during Earth Day on a clean up program of the local river and beach, she developed a deeper relationship with the teachers and administrators.  Through those conversations, they provided Morgan with a list of needs. Here is what Morgan sent us:

Local Elementary School Wish List
Giving back to the community you’ll be visiting is easy, and giving to the children is always one of the best ways.  The local elementary school in Juluchuca, the small village next to Playa Viva, would benefit greatly from any old books or children’s educational material that may be in your donation or throw away pile.  Instead, pack it in your suitcase and bring it to children who often do not have enough paper to do lessons with and very few books in their class rooms.  Suggested donations:
-children’s books (in English or Spanish, great English learning tools)
-colored paper
-colored pencils
-paint brushes for water colors
-old calculators
-any arts and crafts materials
-old text books (the teachers could use them)

Most recently we came across this wonderful organization – Pack for a Purpose – and hope you will support them and their mission,  so pack a little donation for the local school in need as you venture off on your summer travels.


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