Environmental Media Discover Playa Viva

Posted by odysys_admin on March 11, 2008

We’re happy to see that both Green Lodging News and Environmental News Network (ENN) covered our latest news about Playa Viva investing in its community and strengthening the area’s long-term economic viability. Green Lodging News focuses on sustainability issues in the hospitality industry while ENN, one of the oldest and most respected environmental news services, attracts environmental leaders and top executives.

As David says, “We can only have a vibrant successful project if the surrounding community is thriving, healthy, and self-sufficient, today and well in to the future.” Part of that success means working hard to ensure environmental quality: water, air, and food. Of course they matter to local residents and they matter to the Playa Viva team. A parting thought about green lodging in general.

“Imagine if every ‘green’ hotel in the US was actively working to revitalize inner city neighborhoods, developing community gardens so low-income people had access to healthy food, supporting alternatives to incineration, and supporting local small businesses. That’s what Playa Viva is doing on the beach in Mexico and that’s what travel with ethics is all about.”


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