Turtle Stats in for Sep and Oct 2008

Publicado por odysys_admin el noviembre 3, 2008

Turtles Released at La Tortuga Felize, Playa Viva, Guerro, Mexico 2007/2008
Turtles Released at La Tortuga Felize, Playa Viva, Guerro, Mexico 2007/2008

The turtle stats are in from the volunteers at the Tortuga Feliz turtle sanctuary in Playa Viva. The total number of turtles hatched and released has gone down significantly in the last two months (See graph).  I have asked the team of volunteers to report in on the reasons they attribute to this reduction.  Earlier in the year the head of the volunteers expressed his concern that they were short on resources especially local volunteers that give of their time to find and secure turtle nets.  As Playa Viva comes closer to completion (Spring 09), we look to organize a volunteer program to bring students and other volunteers in to stay in Playa Viva as guests and participate in this important endeavor.  We hope you will join us. Let us know if you are interested.


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