Troncones – Turtles delight Multi-Generations

Publicado por odysys_admin el agosto 17, 2009

BostonGlobeBannerTroncones, home to our sister property, Casa Viva, got a nice write up in the travel section of the Boston Globe. What is most appealing about this article is how it begins with the family, three generations, at a turtle release.  It continues to discuss the charms of getting off the beaten track of the big resort towns in Mexico and how to make the most of small coastal villages like Troncones or Juluchuca, where Playa Viva is located. 

In creating Playa Viva, we took what we liked most about Troncones and then build upon its weaknesses.  We loved the beaches, the local communities, the authenticity, but we wanted some sense of congruity in design and a center to the community, we wanted to insure sustainability in building, commitment to regeneration of natural resources and to bring back the abundance that once dominated this landscape.

The article is a wonderful glimpse into what a family vacation can be like in Troncones and Playa Viva.  These are the moments that make for great family memories. Click here to read the entire article.


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