Nature is Awesome!

Publicado por Playa Viva el enero 27, 2020

Experience the Humpback Whale Migration at Playa Viva!

The word “awesome” is probably overused but sometimes there’s just no better way to say it.  Nature has a way of leaving us in awe, and never more so than when she makes us feel small in the face some natural wonder.  Getting up close to a migrating Humpback Whale is one of those times.  It is truly AWESOME.  Something to add to your bucket list, and something to remember forever once you experience it.

 Imagine waking up and looking out to sea, or looking up from your morning coffee only to see a humpback whale and her calf swimming past.

Part of the wonder is that you never quite know if you will see this magnificent sight until the moment that you see these massive mammals breach the vast surface of the ocean.  There are no guarantees.  But what is certain is that when  you come to Playa Viva you are in one of the best places in the world to check this off your list!  There are 2 ways you might encounter these wonderous creatures at Playa Viva.

It’s the stuff of dreams, but at Playa Viva it happens in real life

1) The first chance to check the whale migration off your bucketlist is right off the beach just outside your room!   Imagine waking up and looking out to sea, or looking up from your morning coffee only to see a humpback whale and her calf swimming past.  It’s the stuff of dreams, but at Playa Viva it happens in real life!  Guest Ben Horton captured the incredible video above just off the beach at Playa Viva.


When The Whales Win, Everyone Wins from Katherina Audley el Vimeo.

2) The second chance requires a little more time and intention on your part, but it’s well worth the effort.  The second video above will give you a taste of an adventure offered along with one of our partners in conservation, the Whales of Guerrero Research Project.  The  one and only Johnny Adventure will take you on a short ride from Playa Viva to Barra de Potosi and go out to sea with local fishermen and citizen scientists in order to try to see these amazing creatures up close.   See the video below to for a taste of what that might be like.   Even if you aren’t lucky enough to see a migrating whale, it’s guaranteed to be a memorable journey that takes you past major Pacific wetlands and pristine virgin coastline with plenty of sightings of both terrestrial and marine wildlife, including birds, sea turtles, rays, and dolphins!  This excursion is offered seasonally from January to March. 

If you are inspired to check this off your list there’s still time to book this year, or else plan ahead for next year from January to March! 

There’s still time to book this year, or else plan ahead for next year from January to March! 

When The Whales Win, Everyone Wins from Katherina Audley el Vimeo.

As hard as it might be to leave Playa Viva, you’ll be glad you made time for this amazing experience.



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