Mixed Turtle Statistics in for Aug

Publicado por odysys_admin el septiembre 2, 2008

One of the volunteers at La Tortuga Feliz, Turtle Sanctuary
One of the volunteers at La Tortuga Feliz, Turtle Sanctuary

The turtle stats for August for the Tortuga Feliz Turtle Sanctuary at Playa Viva are giving us mixed results.  We had an increase of over 20% in the number of turtles hatched in August 08 over 07, but the total number of eggs currently in the nursery is down by more than 50% from same time last year (from over 77K in Aug of 07 to less than 34K in Aug of 08).  We will have to get more information from the team in Juluchuca. Much of this may be due to having fewer resources (volunteers are down from last year).  Playa Viva is still committed to supporting the efforts of the Tortuga Feliz and we hope you can join us soon on the beach for a turtle release.


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